Shop with a Firefighter
Every year we team up with our community to give a great Christmas experience to some less fortunate kids in our area. We raise money through boot drives and local business sponsorships beginning in November. In mid-December we count the donations and determine how many children we can help through the program this year. We then get in contact with families in our area that are in need of a little extra help for Christmas.
One night, we invite all of those families to the fire house for a free pizza dinner and reading of the Christmas story. After the story, the kids are then told that they get to go a local store with a firefighter and pick out their own Christmas gifts. The kids' excitement is truly one of our favorite parts of the whole Christmas Season.
We then all load up and head to a store (K-mart or Walmart), and pair kids with a firefighter (or two). Once the kids are done picking out their gifts, they head to the front to check out. All the gifts are then paid for with the generous donations collected through the boot drives and sponsorships.
So, if you see us along the street doing our boot drive, make sure you throw in some money to help make Christmas extra special this year for some more kids!