Home Fire Safety
Make sure your home is safe by following the guidelines below. We recommend that you download and print our Home Fire Safety Checklist to help you make your home safer.
- Baseboard heaters do not touch furniture or curtains, or other items stored on the floor.
- You have your chimneys and heating systems inspected, cleaned and repaired prior to the heating
season. - All portable heaters are placed at least three (3) feet from bedding, furniture, and other flammable
materials. - All portable heaters are plugged directly in the wall, not into an extinsion cord.
- All portable heaters are turned off when you leave the room or before going to bed.
- Every fireplace is equipped with a sturdy metal screen.
- You use as few extension cords and plug adapters as possible
- Extension cords used are not tacked to walls, run under rugs or through doorways.
- Small appliances, like the toaster, are unplugged when not is use.
- Matches and lighters are kept out of the reach of children in a secure place.
- Paint, varnish, and other flammables are stored in sturdy metal containers and in a cool place.
- Ashes from fireplaces and barbecues are only disposed of in metal containers.
- Candles are only lit when someone is able to keep an eye on them, and when placed in strudy holders
away from things that can burn.
- House rules include not smoking in bed or while laying down.
- Make sure all ashes are cold before throwing away in a trash can.
Smoke Alarm
- Smoke alarm batteries are changed twice a year.
- Smoke alarms are tested and vacuumed regularly.
- Smoke alarms are installed on a ceiling or high on the wall outside of the bedrooms on each level of the
home and in every bedroom. - Read more about smoke alarms on our Smoke Alarm Info page
Escape Plan
- You have a plan of escape showing two ways out of every room in your home, especially bedrooms.
- You regularly practive your escape plan by holding fire drills in you home.
- Windows used for escaping can be opend easily.
- Your house numbers are clearly visible from the street.
Helpful Resources
Sparky Schoolhouse
This NFPA website provides great resources for helping teach fire safety to kids.
Go There
This NFPA website provides fun games and videos for kids to enjoy while also learning fire safety.
Go There
Fire Prevention Week
The official NFPA Fire Prevention Week website that provides tips and tools for fire safety.
Go There
Stop, Drop, and Roll
Parents, make sure your kids know what to do if their clothes ever catch on fire by teaching them to "Stop, Drop, and Roll". Hopefully, they'll never need to use it, but it's always to be ready just in case!
Stop right where you are.
Drop to the ground and cover your face with your hands.
Keep your legs straight, and roll over and over to put the fire out.
Related Pages
Public Information
Here you'll find helpful information regarding fire safety to help keep your family safe.
Learn More
Smoke Alarm Info
Make sure your smoke alarm is always ready to protect you by following these easy tips.
Learn More
Burning Regulations
Be ready in case of a fire in your home with this printable home fire safety checklist.
Learn More
Fire Prevention Week
Learn about fire prevention and other fire facts to make your home, work, and school safer.
Learn More