City of Grayson Burning Regulations

Ordinance #9-1989

An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 4-198p

Related to Open Burning
Be it Ordained by the City of Grayson:

Section 1

It shall be unlawful to maintain any bonfire or rubbish fire in the City of Grayson without a permit from the Grayson Fire Department, except that open burning with a burn area of less than five (5) feet in diameter and two (2) feet in height consisting only of wood and leaves shall be permitted between 6:00pm to 6:00am.

No open burning, bonfires, or rubbish fires shall be kindled or maintained within fifty (50) feet of any building, structure, or motor vehicle, nor within five (5) feet of any roadway.

Section 2

All other open burning shall require the approval of the Grayson Fire Department and any person desiring to maintain or kindle a bonfire or rubbish fire shall obtain a permit from the Fire Chief of the City of Grayson. The permit may be issued by any officer of the Grayson Fire Department at or above the rank of sergeant. The cost of the permit shall be $10.00.

Section 3

The Grayson Fire Department shall have the right to extinguish all open burning, bonfires and rubbish fires maintained in violation of this ordinance.

Section 4

The Fire Chief may prohibit any and all open burning when atmospheric conditions or local circumstances make such fires hazardous.

Section 5

Violation of this ordinance shall be punishable by a fine of $100.00.

Section 6

This ordinance shall become effective after its passage and publication according to law.

First Reading this the 28th day of May, 2003
Second Reading, approved and passage this the 3rd day of June 2003.

Signed by: Leda Dean, Mayor
City of Grayson

Wildland Fire Hazard Seasons


The Division of Forestry is responsible for fighting wildland fires on private lands and enforcing forest fire hazard seasons and other outdoor burning regulations.  KRS 149.400 restricts outdoor burning during Forest Fire Hazard Seasons:

Spring Forest Fire Hazard Season:     Feb. 15 through April 30
Fall Forest Fire Hazard Season:   
Oct. 1 though Dec. 15

During this time, it is illegal to burn anything within 150 feet of any woodland or brushland between the daylight hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m.  The law is intended to prevent forest fires by allowing outdoor burning only after 6 p.m. when conditions are less likely to cause a wildfire to spread.

Burn Bans in Effect
KRS 149.400

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